Sunday, May 8, 2022

Disney+ Shorts Icon Ideas (Part 2)

This is the second in a series of images of ideas for icons of classic Disney shorts if they were to ever be shown on Disney Plus. To look at the first article on the subject, go here.

Sadly, though, I have a feeling we're not going to have any more older content on Disney Plus any time soon, if ever, if this article is any indication (even though many people seem to be clamoring for such older content):

But in any case, if in the distant future they do release more cartoons, as promised, here's another batch of how the icons should look on the streaming service:

Anyway, that's the second in a series of icons that Disney Plus could display on its streaming service for classic shorts. Once again, I used MS Paint to do it, so apologies for bad quality. The chances are slim, sadly, that we will see more cartoons on Disney Plus, but anything is possible.