Monday, November 11, 2019

Winnie the Pooh on TV then and in the parks now

Some time ago, as part of his long series of videos explaining the evolution of Disney characters in the parks, Disney Dan devoted one such video to Winnie the Pooh:

In this case, however, in addition to the Disney parks, Disney Dan also devotes part of the video to Winnie the Pooh as seen on the old Disney Channel show, Welcome To Pooh Corner:

Pooh looks relatively slimmed down as you can see. As the video also points out, this show foreshadows the usage of articulated designs in costumes, which in recent years has started to be used in the parks more frequently, particularly in stage shows, like those in front of the castle at WDW's Magic Kingdom. Pooh, like all the characters in the show, has the ability to move his eyes and his mouth through mechanical means inside the costume to allow for more interaction.

Back to the parks, the most recent Pooh costume, the one seen in the parks today, which has been seen since 1999, looks like this:

He doesn't look nearly as chubby as he once did, but he is still pretty cuddly and cute.

I kind of thought that his costume was similar, if not necessarily identical, to the costume on Pooh Corner, mainly in the build of his relatively slim physique, which admittedly is a little chubbier than on the show, as well as his larger head, but his head is nowhere near as big as it once was way back when.

Throw in a "live" version of this character, used for traveling shows, with an articulated head allowing him to blink his eyes and talk, and you have even more of a throwback to the Pooh costume of old:

I personally feel that these two Pooh costumes owe a great deal to the Winnie the Pooh that was once seen on Welcome To Pooh Corner. They may not have as small a head as I thought, as he did on Pooh Corner, but the resemblance is relatively uncanny (except for the eyes).

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